Tuesday, October 27, 2009

100 MPH Motorcyclists Arrested

In two unrelated incidents on the same day, an Oregon County Deputy arrested two motorcyclists for Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering and Violation of Basic Rule.

On the 24th of October, at about 2 pm, the deputy was driving an unmarked vehicle. He observed a motorcycle approach in the oncoming lane, performing a "wheelie", continuing past with the front tire in the air for at least 15 yards. The deputy turned around and followed the motorcyclist, which was traveling at speeds over 100 mph through residential areas and curves.

The deputy caught up to the motorcycle as it pulled into a residence and made contact with the driver. The 32-year old motorcyclist said he was test-driving the motorcycle, wanting to see what it would do. He was taken into custody on charges of Reckless Driving and Violation of Basic Rule (104 in a 55 mph zone) and transported to county jail.

At about 3:30 pm on the same day, the same deputy observed a group of four motorcycles traveling together. Approaching a stop sign, three of the cyclists stopped, but the fourth did not, accelerating in front of the deputy who had the right of way and was attempting a turn onto the highway, cutting him off.

The motorcyclist continued to accelerate and the deputy turned around and followed. The motorcyclist approached a stop sign, slowed to about 10 mph and went through the intersection without stopping. At this point the deputy stopped and activated his stationary radar which indicated the motorcycle was traveling at 108 mph.

The deputy caught up to the motorcycle, estimating its speed at about 110 mph, passing another vehicle in a series of blind curves, in a no-passing zone. The deputy initiated a traffic stop and contacted the driver of the motorcycle and his passenger (his wife). The motorcyclist said he had no idea how fast he was driving and was arrested for Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering and Violation of Basic rule (108 in a 55 mph zone).

Read full story here...

Lessons Learned

I have to restrain my fingers from typing the most scornful epithets I can muster for which to use in referring to these two motorcyclists. The ONLY justification I can present for their behavior and poor sense of judgement is that speed and power are drugs that can easily overcome a person.

But if cocaine and heroin are powerful drugs, why aren't all citizens druggies? What aren't all motorcyclists disregarding law and sensibility by reckless speeding? The obvious answer is that humans can control their appetites, and those who can't shouldn't be allowed the privileges enjoyed by those who can.

What am I saying? I believe these two speeders should PERMANENTLY lose any legal right to ride a motorcycle that is capable of more than 45 miles per hour.

Every motorcyclist should recognize that their machine has the capability of providing a drug-like rush that can overcome their better judgement. If you have to, look for a venue that will allow you to speed without endangering others...get into racing, find a completely isolated stretch of highway...do something other than speeding through a residential area or highway with other travelers.

Motorcyclists, more than any other recreational vehicle operator, are susceptible to the effects of public opinion. We will find our motorcycle rights become severely limited when the non-motorcycle public get fed up with juvenile, reckless, unthinking bikers who can't control their appetite for speed and thrill.

For the sake of all motorcyclists, choose the right time and place for speeding...it's definitely not in mid-day in a residential area or public highway with other traffic. Use your head!

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